Hillary Surrounded by Hate and Discontent..Surprise

March 2008

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Tn --   While sitting here in Tennessee watching the presidential campaign machinations going on, I have developed a few thoughts on why the wheels are nearly falling off.

(Notice, I have not said fallen off. I still have the image of the Our Gang push cart races where despite wobbly wheels and nearly catastrophic cart damage, they still manage to cross the finish line first.)

I have managed several successful conservative campaigns over the years. One of my mentors was the late Lee Atwater, the Republican National Chairman during he late 80's. Lee said there are two fundamental elements in successful conservative campaigning:
1. Have fun because you believe in what you are doing and
2. Use the truth.
He added that liberals can not do both.

That brings me to why Hillary is sliding down.

From a March 03, 2008 Los Angeles Times article by Peter Nicholas:

"Hillary Clinton may be one of the most disciplined figures in national politics, but she has presided over a campaign operation riven (sic) by feuding, rival fiefdoms and second-guessing of top staff members."

The description Nicholas uses for her campaign operation is a perfect description of Mrs. Clinton!

Mrs. Clinton is a hateful person that will throw Bill, you, me, and anyone else for whom she has no use under the bus. AND WE ALL KNOW IT. Including her campaign staff.

She surrounds herself with people like herself (see LA Times description above). It is a culture of hate and duplicity in which she thrives: in her campaign, in Bill's White House, and is a window into her own White House.

Everyone in business knows that culture is a determining factor in success. Hillary has developed a hostile culture mirrored on her own personality. Its odds of success are not good.

So Hillary cannot meet either one of Lee's requirements: no one is having fun in her campaign and the truth is no where associated with anything she says or does.

Bill's 1992 run did not, of course, have truth on his side (but he did know how to triangulate it) but his campaign had lots of fun.

Obama and his campaigners are having fun but the truth about him and his positions is not triangulatable (sp?) like Bill's was in 1992. His having fun gives him one more element that Hillary.

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Sam T. Harper
From Rightturns.com