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T. HARPER Conservative Career Advice: Learn to Zig and to Zag March 15, 2004 |
Baseball plant night shipping clerk and nightwatchman
"Gofer" for university registrar's office
Unemployed voluntarily
Naval officer
Trucking company supervisor
Plastics company summer job
Oil company office position
Unemployed voluntarily
Investment banking start-up
Conservative publishing company
Unemployed involuntarily
Executive of private company in food industry
If you look at the above string of different jobs, traditional
career counselors cannot find any connection from one to the
other, except for one element. They reflect my "career".
(A few years ago, one of my management consulting clients, after
hearing me describe this list, asked "Can't you keep a job?!")
As the false accusations of the detriment that out sourcing or
moving manufacturing overseas causes our economy continues to
move into election year politics, I think it is time to quit
finger pointing and instead, figure out an action plan of how to
best manage it.
We hear where Hillary Clinton and Michigan democrat legislators
are calling for tax cuts targeted at those companies out-sourcing
or moving facilities. Ironically, this is their admission that
lower tax rates are the answer in some cases. The hypocrisy of
those proposals is that if lower taxes will entice the companies
out-sourcing, why not also give them to the companies staying so
they can increase their local employment?
So how do we conservatives handle the out-sourcing issues? If we
do not make it part of our conservative conversations, then we
yield the issues to the protectionists and the government
intervention proponents.
I propose that we need to completely re-define what a business
career is, whether it is blue collar or white collar. No longer
can someone expect to begin a job and stay with it for 30-40
years and then retire without subjecting themselves, their
families, and their livelihood to the risk of becoming outdated
in the economy.
In my employee and management training work throughout the years,
I always bring up the issue of change. Change in personal lives,
change in work lives, change in technology, change in health,
change in
(you name it). I start with a simple question:
"Is your personal (or work or family or
) life any
different today than it was three years ago? Only 36 months ago!"
Not once has anyone not responded with a "yes". I then
ask if their company's customers have different demands than they
had three years ago. Again, all "Yes's". I go on and on
asking the same question until all aspects of our lives are
covered. The "Yes's" keep pouring out, as the
discussions turn to describing all the changes, good and bad.
After the discussion quiets down, I then ask "What are you
doing now to prepare for the range of changes coming in the next
three years?" Quiet follows.
My graduate school professor and leadership training mentor, Tom
Peters, loves to say "If it ain't broke, break it!" I
propose the same career advice. Never put yourself in a position
of doing the same work requiring the same skills for 2-3 years in
a row.
I once had a client that was a commercial bakery. When I was
brought in, I met some employees who had been doing the same
tasks for 10+ years. I helped develop a program that cross-trained
employees in all aspects of the bakery: production, safety,
quality, shipping, accounting, sanitation, etc. Initially,
veteran employees were stressed out with the prospect of having
to do something different. A few adventurous employees signed up
and learned new tasks. Other soon followed. That plant recently
shut down. One of those veteran employees who had cross trained
told me that the cross training/learning new skills she developed
have given her more opportunities for finding a new job than she
ever realized it would.
We need to educate our children and ourselves and our friends
that learning to zig and to zag in our careers by constantly
learning new skills is the only way to reduce the "out
sourcing" / "downsizing" threats we all face in
our changing economy. To remain in one job doing the same tasks
is a prescription for personal career disaster.
Sam T. Harper
S graduated cum laude from Vanderbilt University. Following a
tour in the US Navy and a stint as Operations Manager at Roadway
Express, he earned his MBA from Stanford University Graduate
School of Business. He was a contributor to "In Search of
Excellence," the best selling business book of all time. Sam
was also Manager, Economic Planning & Analysis at Sohio
Petroleum, Partner and Chief Financial Officer at investment-banking
firm Bridgemere Capital, and Chief Operating Officer of the
Institute for Contemporary Studies, a San Francisco Bay Area-based
think tank and international publishing firm that specializes in
self-governing and entrepreneurial public policy. Sam was a
chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party and the GOP co-host
of California Political Review on KALW-FM in San Francisco. For
nine years, Sam was the co-owner of the Tennessee based Institute
for Local Effectiveness Training, LLC - a management consulting,
training, and coaching firm. He recently was the campaign manager
for a conservative candidate for the Tennessee House of
Representatives who successfully beat a ten year incumbent. He is
currently the Executive Vice President of Finance and Development
for a Tennessee based company that is a leader in food safety