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T. HARPER What the Media Doesn't Understand: How the Military Works April 1, 2003 |
We are hearing much controversy about how the American and
British media are reporting the war. Conservatives are railing
that the reporters' left biases cause them to only focus on the
negative. Though it is surely the case many times, I do not see
the left bias as what is so frustrating about the media's
reporting. I have come to expect it and work around it.
I see less bias than in the past because of the imbedded
reporters approach the Pentagon devised. I stated in my Headlines
We Will Never See column several months ago that starting in
Vietnam, reporters have want the local Hyatt Regency and drinks
after dinner when in a war zone versus Walter Cronkite, Ernie
Pyle, and the recently deceased Bill Mauldin who lived, breathed,
ate, slept, and performed bodily functions alongside the GIs. The
imbedded reporters are much more like the WWII reporters than
they are like the Vietnam reporters. They are living and
breathing with our guys at the front. That reality does more to
shatter liberal bias than a whole year of Washington conservative
think tank forums or radio talk show ranting will ever do.
The reporting includes many maps, interesting graphics, and who
are you and where are you from items, but as a veteran I see
something very important still missing: any insight into our
military, i.e., how it works. [I believe there are two reasons
for this lack of insight: one is the nearly total lack of
military experience in the reporter class (name one reporter who
is a veteran!) and two, is the nearly total lack of military
experience in the general public. I will write a future column on
the latter.] Let's look at some examples of this missing piece.
The Sandstorm: One night on NBC, there was an interesting story
about the yellow, then red, then pitch dark, then back to red
sandstorm engulfing troops of the 3rd Infantry Division. The
whole report was about the sandstorm and how it had stopped the
division. Wrong, the division was not stopped. The real story was
happening behind the reporter and he seemed fairly oblivious to
it. Behind him during each severe stage of the storm, a group of
GI mechanics was pulling an engine out of a Bradley Fighting
Vehicle with a mobile crane, repairing the engine, and
reinstalling it so the Bradley could once again fight. Now keep
in mind, these are mainly 18-22 year old American boys doing this
work under conditions unbelievably difficult if not impossible.
Think of the 18-22 year old boys you know not in the military and
ask yourself could they perform such a feat? That to me was the
story the reporter should have given instead of holding chem
lights in front of his face to show the lack of light in the
Mind reading: "The Pentagon war plan had envisaged a
lightning march on Baghdad, buoyed by popular support in the
newly liberated south. The aim had been to provide a solid
platform for the swift toppling of Saddam, possibly from within
his inner circle." The London Times 3/27/03
Of course, the reporters have no clues as to the original plan.
To claim otherwise is only an act of creating self-importance. I
know from experience, the individual units have no clue as to the
big picture. When I was in the Navy we did missions that made no
sense to us at all. What we did know was what was expected of us
and when it was expected. So we did it. At some higher level,
though, we fitted into a bigger picture. The military leaders at
that position would never explain their plan to a bunch of
The "Pause": Much has been made of the "Pause".
Peter Arnett was fired because he said it showed the failure of
the original plan. Anyone that thought we were going to dash to
Baghdad and receive a hero's welcome has watched too many Bruce
Willis movies. Our military is not reckless. Our military is
operating in hostile environmental conditions. To be successful
they have to slow or stop, regroup, do preventive maintenance,
catch some sleep, re-supply, let the supply guys extend their
base of operations closer to the front, etc. Notice as the
reporters were wringing their hands about the "Pause"
and questioned whether or not it was a sign of failure, what type
of GI pictures did we suddenly start to see in abundance: GI's
sleeping, on the ground, under vehicles, wrapped in ponchos, etc.
That was my clue that the "Pause" issue was a
manufactured issue from bored media folks who have no clues at
how an army works.
"Rear attacks from the Hussein Fedayin were unexpected":
This reporting amazed me. The attacks by these Iraqi "Brown
Shirts" against support units behind the front lines was
suppose to be an indication that the military leadership forgot
or did not think this might happen. Is our military leadership
stupid? NO. We were covering 100+ miles across the enemy's desert.
The 3rd Infantry Division Mechanized, by definition, travels with
its support. Support units do not stay 500 miles away and send
the Infantry spare parts. They stay right behind them. (See the
story above of the mechanics repairing an engine on the front
lines.) The army learned something several years ago that the
Marines have lived by for decades: Every member is a rifleman,
the cooks, the pay clerks, the supply sergeants,
. To have
pay clerks, supply sergeants, and cooks in action is not
unexpected. The other aspect of the Fedayin that I suspect is
that we want them to come out at us. They are the evil fanatics,
like the Nazi Brown Shirts, that will never reform so must be
"House-to-House fighting in Basra": Another under
reported part of this war is the fact that most of the troops you
see in the pictures and on the screen are 18-22 year old American
and British boys and girls. They are better trained, fed, and
equipped than the enemy. They are confident and competent. As in
any war, they do the heavy lifting. We should be thankful for
them. They are doing unbelievable acts every day. For example,
the reporter with the Royal Marines in Basra missed a story of
one of these young Brits even after his own cameraman filmed the
event. The many scenes of the British Marines fighting in Basra
showed patrols going house-to-house looking for enemy soldiers.
The reporter missed the story of the young Brits we watched who
kicked in the doors and were the first through every time. Is
there a more nerve-racking scene as that? Who are these guys who
do these acts of courage? We will not know. The reporter spent
his airtime talking of Basra in the big picture while these
scenes were shown to us. He missed the whole issue.
Overall, I am confident of our progress. We are going to win this
war and it will change the face of the Mideast. Look at a map and
you see that Israel and Afghanistan are becoming the democratic
bookends to the region. Soon Iraq will be a democratic
Sam T. Harper graduated cum laude from Vanderbilt University. Following a tour in the US Navy and a stint as Operations Manager at Roadway Express, he earned his MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He was a contributor to In Search of Excellence, the best selling business book of all time. Sam was also Manager, Economic Planning & Analysis at Sohio Petroleum, Partner and Chief Financial Officer at investment-banking firm Bridgemere Capital, and Chief Operating Officer of the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a San Francisco Bay Area-based think tank and international publishing firm that specializes in self-governing and entrepreneurial public policy. Sam was a chairman of the San Francisco Republican party and the GOP co-host of California Political Review on KALW-FM in San Francisco. Sam is currently the co-owner of the Tennessee based Institute for Local Effectiveness Training, LLC a management consulting, training, and coaching firm.